The Future of War: Tomorrow’s Battlefields

The Future of War: Tomorrow’s Battlefields The contents of this essay are based on conversations during the 7th India-US Forum National security is driving geopolitics like never before. Geostrategic heft has always come from a country’s economic strength and wealth, but of late it has hinged on the ability to convert economic surpluses and technological advantages […]
Maritime Security: From the Seabed to the Surface

Maritime Security: From the Seabed to the Surface The contents of this essay are based on conversations during the 7th India-US Forum Evidence indicates that the PRC is preparing for a military confrontation with the US, and their goal is to eject the Americans from the Western Pacific. President Xi appears to be politically conditioning the […]
Bridging Borders: Enhancing Connectivity Between India And Sri Lanka

ROUND TABLE Inaugural Virtual Roundtable Discussion between India-Sri Lanka | 19 July 2024 Bridging Borders: Enhancing Connectivity Between India and Sri Lanka The opening session, titled “Digitalization for Enhanced Connectivity: Digital Public Infrastructure for a Connected Future,” highlighted India’s leadership in digital development for developing nations, while also discussing the challenges of navigating geopolitical complexities. […]