Global Health Security: Lessons from the Pandemic

The contents of this essay are based on conversations during the 7th India-US Forum Pandemics are now a more frequent occurrence than previously believed. Within the past 24 years, the world has grappled with two pandemics, H1N1 and COVID-19. These have been accompanied by several other outbreaks, including SARS, Zika, MERS, and the NEPA virus. This […]

Bridging the Divide: Strategic Cooperation in West Asia

The contents of this essay are based on conversations during the 7 th India-US Forum In the recent past, the major tectonic shift from bilateral to trilateral, plurilateral, and mega-regional forms of cooperation has been particularly significant. This is exemplified by the launch of the India, UAE, Israel, and the United States (I2U2) initiative and the […]