1. What is Ananta Centre about?

Ananta Centre is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, that focuses on value-based  leadership development and open dialogue on important issues facing Indian society, to help foster its transformation. The organization has no political affiliation and serves to provide a  platform and forum that engages civil society, business, governments and other stakeholders on  issues of importance to India’s development and national security through ethical leadership and  constructive dialogues.  

The Centre was registered on 28th November 2013 under the Indian Trust Act 1882 as a non-tax exempt organisation to broad base the programmes and funding through sponsorship and  membership. The Centre works closely with the Ananta Aspen Centre and is headquartered in  New Delhi with pan India activities. 

2. What is the Mission and Vision of the Centre?

Mission – The Ananta Centre focusses on leadership development and open dialogue on  important issues facing Indian Society, to help foster its transformation. The Centre engages civil  society, business, governments and other stakeholders on issues of importance to India’s  Development and National Security. The centre aims to bring the brightest minds from diverse  fields, combining their knowledge and expertise towards developing a robust and policy paradigm. 

Vision “Nurturing Change, Transforming India”. 

The Ananta Centre was formed with the vision of providing a non-partisan platform for various  stake holders to come together and discuss important problems and challenges facing the society which were of local and global concern. 

3. Who are the Board of Trustees?

Ananta Centre is guided by an esteemed Board of Trustees who are accomplished in their  respective fields. In addition to their professional stature, the Members bring to the Board their  commitment to social responsibility and their personal experiences working for a better society.  For details please click Trustees

4. What is the Centre’s area of work ?

The Ananta Centre’s activities focus around 3 core pillars – Leadership & Education, International  Relations and Public Policy. 

The Trust is committed to building a society that is willing to listen, understand and most  importantly, dialogue. To this objective, it convenes various programmes for exchange of ideas,  broadening perspectives and enhancing capacities to create sustainable solutions on a wide  variety of issues. 

The Centre addresses issues of significance through seminars, conferences, round tables, public  sessions, young leader Fellowships and policy programmes. It also brings out publications and  study reports.

5. What are the landmarks achieved by the Centre?

The Ananta Centre, over the years, has grown rapidly and has successfully convened more than 500 sessions, including flagship annual programmes like Ideas India, India-US Forum, India-Japan  Forum. In addition, special talks by eminent people such as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and  the International Avantha Fellowship programme. In 2020, another special conference – The  Levelling : Moving Towards an Ungendered World creating a platform for women leaders who  have not only made their mark but are actively working on bridging gaps in the gender space and  paving the way for the next generation of women – especially by not excluding men but making it  an inclusive effort. A virtual Values-based Leadership Programme for corporates, NGOs, civil  society was launched during the lockdown due to the pandemic in 2020 and have completed 2  classes of 3 seminars each so far. Third class is in progress.

6. What is Values-based leadership all about?

The essential characteristic of Values-based leadership is the belief that the ultimate goal is  people’s welfare. The Ananta Centre on the same lines seeks to foster the next generation of  young leaders with an opportunity to better understand their own leadership values and those of  their peers. It seeks to steer aspirants on a journey in leadership by opening the mind to a rich and  diverse set of learning experiences. 

7. Are events only funded or can they be sponsored too?

The events can be both funded and sponsored. For sponsorships, please write to us at  admin@anantacentre.in 

8. How is the Centre funded?

Through grant by organising joint programmes with Ministries and corporates. Besides, the  Ananta Centre also raises funds through programme sponsorship, projects, paid events,  membership, etc.

9. What kind of impact do the programmes organised by the Centre have on the common man?

It gives a wide range of exposure on interesting topics, platform to voice their opinions and an  opportunity to meet and interact with many eminent personalities. It also aims to develop a new  generation of values-based, action-oriented leaders to serve India. 

10. What kind of outreach does it have?

The Ananta Centre has a very diverse and large outreach. The people involved range from  corporates, Government, Media, NGOs and civil society to thought leaders from academic or  political backgrounds, students and other stakeholders. Even if people are not able to attend  programmes both in-person and virtually, the same are available on our website. 

11. Can one become a member of this organisation? If yes, how and what are the benefits?

Yes, Ananta Centre offers three membership options – Corporate, Institutional and Individual.  Membership link is available on Centre’s website. Members of the Centre enjoy benefits such as  discounted rates at events, priority registration at public sessions, invitations to exclusive event  and opportunities to interact with a diverse range of people from different fields. 

12. What is the membership fee?

The membership fee depends on the type of membership one takes. Currently there are 3 categories. Details on benefits of each category are available




GST (18 %) INR 














13. What is the composition of the organization staff?

The Ananta Centre has full time employees and working professionals who guide, support and  write country / region specific newsletters. Internships are available through the year.

14. Can one volunteer with the Centre?

Yes, one could volunteer or intern with the Ananta Centre. 

15. What kind of job opportunities exist in the Centre?

A wide range of possibilities exist at the Ananta Centre in the three verticals – Leadership &  Education, International Relations and Public Policy. Besides, vacancies are often available in  other associated fields like Fundraising, social media, IT services, becoming another critical area to  handle for the Centre.

16. Is the Centre active on social media?

Yes, the Ananta Centre is active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and through its website at  https://anantacentre.in/ 

17. How is it different from Ananta Aspen Centre?

The Centre is not tax exempted and can accept sponsorships and have paid events unlike the  Ananta Aspen Centre which is tax exempt and registered under 80G to receive donations.